Strengthening school-based speech therapy services

Speech Therapy Goals:
Enhance school-based speech therapy services to provide higher quality support for students with language barriers, enabling them to strengthen their self-esteem and effectively engage in learning.

1. Student Level
 1.1 Conduct assessments for all students suspected of having language barriers and those who received speech therapy services in the previous year.
 1.2 Provide individual and group therapy sessions for all students with language barriers.
 1.3 Train students to participate in a peer mentoring program.
2. Teacher Level
 2.1 Organize teacher workshops to increase awareness of language barriers and enhance their support skills for students.
 2.2 Invite teachers for classroom observations.
3. Parent Level
 3.1 Organize parent seminars.
 3.2 Arrange meetings or phone calls with speech therapists to explain the student's situation to parents.
 3.3 Invite parents for classroom observations to promote home-school collaboration.

Speech therapists in schools:
1. School-based speech therapist: Ms. CHUA LOK LAM
2. Stay on campus three to four days a week



Parent Seminar (25-5-2024): How to improve children’s language understanding and expression skills at home