
Principal Tin’s Letter to Parents (1)


Dear Parents,

May the Lord bless you all. This year’s school development theme is “Enhancing Insight, Embracing Acceptance, and Maintaining a Growth Mindset.” Insight is crucial for children, focusing on inspiring thinking, observation training, multi-angle thinking, and creativity. We also strived to teach our children to “accept what I cannot do yet, appreciate what I have achieved; view oneself with a growth mindset, be kind, compassionate, and forgiving.” In fact, the mindset of acceptance and growth is vital for everyone.

We expect every student to develop in a balanced manner in English, academic knowledge, sports, and arts. Pursue personal growth without comparing with others, possess the virtues of etiquette and discipline, and cultivate a cheerful and confident personality. The school will implement a diversified curriculum design, including bilingual and trilingual education, STEAM education, programming and artificial intelligence (AI), multicultural education, service learning, emotional education, and design-based learning courses (DBL), allowing students to excel in different fields, connect with the community, and develop inclusiveness and interpersonal skills through cooperation, mutual encouragement and support. Children will face various challenges during their growth, and the school will definitely accompany them through the school-based curriculum to actively cope with these challenges and cultivate a growth mindset.

The school is keeping up with the times and will implement a series of optimization projects this year, including:

1. Adjusting the class schedule in response to the latest curriculum guidelines from the Education Bureau;

2. Establishing three recesses to meet students’ needs, believing that there is a balance between study and rest which can improve learning efficiency;

3. Strengthening English teaching, with three native English-speaking teachers from Britain, Canada, and Australia, and one English teacher with ten years of teaching experience in the U.S.A. They will host English assemblies, provide advanced English opportunities, and create an English environment to give students more exposure to English;

4. Further implementing English-assisted general knowledge teaching, introducing artificial intelligence (AI), enhancing English writing and STEAM courses to improve students’ knowledge and language skills;

5. Participating in the Education Bureau’s pilot program to promote science and humanities subjects;

6. Further developing “diversified assessment” to allow students to realize their learning potential in various modes, embrace the new era of learning, and alleviate the pressure caused by relying on one-time exams;

7. Developing children’s verbal expression skills, establishing exercise habits, encouraging more reading, and enhancing STEAM innovation capabilities through diversified homework, such as bilingual and trilingual reading, oral expression, reading sharing, or exercising at home. We believe that effective home-school cooperation can greatly enhance children’s learning outcomes, and we invite parents to support and encourage their children to complete these tasks, jointly improving their language skills, vitality, and confidence;

8. Adding “school-based homework classes” and organically integrating community resource services to naturally connect and further support students’ homework completion needs, reducing the pressure of doing homework at home;

9. In order to balance children’s rest time needs and the tight curriculum schedule, the school has decided to adjust the dismissal time to 3:10 p.m. every Friday this year, while the dismissal time from Monday to Thursday remains unchanged.

10. We are committed to valuing parent education and parent-child relationships. On 13th September (Friday), we will hold a “Mid-Autumn Festival Costume Day,” inviting parents of P.1 and P.2 students to come to school and make lanterns with their children. In the evening, we will hold “Mid-Autumn Festival Night,” inviting all parents to join the festive event. In the future, we also welcome parents to sign up freely for parent-child reading and parent-child sports at school, while details will be announced in due course.

11. In order to support Non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students in learning Chinese in a systematical way, the school will implement different learning policies for the NCS students in need in this school year. These policies include arranging NCS students from Primary 1 to 3 to learn Chinese Language in a class separately from local students, so that our teachers can provide a more comprehensive teaching, guidance and cater the learning needs to this smaller group of class. We will provide pre-class Chinese Language support class in the early morning (pre-lesson period) and after-school tutorial classes. We will insert English elements into different subjects as well.

While the school is undergoing transformation and renewal, it still adheres to the biblical teaching of “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6), cultivating our students to become good citizens who “serve rather than be served.”

Last but not least, we are pleased to announce that the exterior wall of the old building (14 Hok Yuen Street) has been repainted with a new colour scheme of red and white. Red symbolizes the Lord’s salvation, Hung Hom District, and blessings; while white symbolizes the Lord’s grace, allowing us to receive eternal life and purification in the life of Jesus Christ.