
海洋生態計劃(環保及自然保育基金-小小珊瑚拯救隊) 一年級外出海星灣泥灘


To enrich students' learning experiences and increase their awareness of marine conservation, we have organized a special activity. The first-grade students will visit the mudflats of Star Bay for a hands-on field trip, and we have also invited parent volunteers to participate, promoting collaboration between the school and families.

This activity allows students to personally experience the marine environment, observe the mudflat ecosystem, and learn about the importance of protecting marine resources. The involvement of parent volunteers helps establish a connection between the school and families, allowing them to engage in their children's learning and interact with teachers and other parents.

This first-grade activity will provide students with unforgettable learning experiences while strengthening the cooperation between the school and families. We look forward to students gaining valuable knowledge and personal growth during the mudflat activity at Star Bay.