


We are very pleased to invite professionals from the West Kowloon Traffic Division of the Police Station to our school to give road safety lectures! The purpose of this activity is to strengthen students' awareness of traffic safety, teach them the correct use of road facilities, and promote positive values.

In this lecture, professionals from the Police Department will introduce knowledge related to road safety to students. They will explain the current situation and impact of various road traffic accidents, so that students can understand the harm caused by these accidents to individuals and society. At the same time, they will also explain in detail the meaning of traffic rules and signs, and emphasize the importance of obeying these rules.

One of the key points of the lecture is to let students understand the penalties and consequences they may face for violating traffic rules. This will help them deeply understand the seriousness of violating traffic rules and motivate them to behave correctly.

Through this lecture, we hope to raise students' awareness of road safety.