NCS Students support scheme

Non-Chinese Speaking Students Support Scheme

Objective 1
1.1 Individual and in-class support will be provided by teachers, so that they can enhance and strengthen their Chinese foundation and ability. Provision of individual, in-class as well as after-school tutorial classes.
1.2 Provision of individual and in-class support is mainly seen during Chinese Writing, Chinese lessons and General Studies. Students will be either separated from the mainstream class or provided in-class.
1.3 To support non-Chinese students in learning Chinese gradually and systematically, students in need can have special classes during the subject consolidation period (the ninth period of Wednesdays or Fridays) to improve their Chinese ability.
1.4 After-school tutorial classes are provided by school and a paid tutorial center. Therefore, students can complete their Chinese homework with the guidance of the tutors from the tutorial centre. 


Objective 2
2.1 Assistance will be provided to apply for Student Support Program course.
2.2 During recess time, teachers will communicate with them to know more about their study mode or their culture.
2.3 In KS2(P.4-6) classes, Non-Chinese speaking students who are proficient in Chinese can provide more assistance to other students.


Objective 3
3.1 Encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities, such as dancing, Scouts Club,STEAM classes, handcraft classes, etc.
3.2 Encourage students to participate activities from school or other organizations, such as calligraphy, writing and talent competition.
3.3 Organize student to visit the Palace Museum and the communities where non-Chinese-speaking students live to promote greater cultural integration.




1.1 協助非華語學生個別支援、入班支援、中文學科鞏固堂以及課後功課輔導班,以幫助他們更好地學習中文,從而提高學習信心與動力。
1.3 為支援非華語學生透過小步子的方式學習,讓他們循序漸進地學好中文,本校會於利用學科鞏固時段 (逢星期三或星期五第九節),抽離學生學習中文科知識。
1.4 課後功課輔導班為學生於放學後到指定的課室,接受本校或者外聘的中文老師教授中文,以減輕他們完成作業的壓力。


2.1 協助學生報讀校外的SSP課程。
2.2 利用每日的小息時間找ncs的學生進行心理疏導,了解他們在學習,生活中遇到的問題,給與他們必要的支援。
2.3 高年班採取幫扶政策,讓中文學得好的非華語學生更多地支援能力稍弱的其他非華語同學。

2.2 鼓勵非華語學生參與校內及校外的競賽類活動,如書法及寫作比賽或才藝表演等。
2.3 組織學生外出參觀故宮文化博物館和非華語學生生活的社區,更多地進行文化的共融。




Morning Assembly
The NCS students did the morning assembly sharing for all the students. How excellent they are! 



Student Award
The NCS students performed quite well during the matches, and they even won some awards!



Chinese consolidation 
The teacher told an interesting picture book to the NCS students and they enjoyed a lot.




STEAM class
The NCS students had STEAM class on Friday. They learnt how to keep trying but never giving up and how to cooperate with each other.



Four Non-Chinese speaking students participated in the activity to visit the Victoria House on 23th September, 2023(9月23日,4名非華語學生參加了參觀政務司司長官邸的活動)